“Being good is not difficult at all; it is difficult to be just.”

- Victor Marie Hugo

Areas of activity

Услуги банер


We represent our clients wherever necessary, providing the following services:

Procedural representation in civil and commercial cases

Procedural representation in administrative and tax cases

Procedural representation in criminal cases

Legal assistance to state and municipal structures

Comprehensive legal support to banking and non-banking credit institutions

Full legal services to legal entities

Comprehensive representation in establishing, changing circumstances, terminating, and liquidating any commercial companies

Comprehensive written and oral translation services from/to Greek and English

Procedural representation in disputes before state courts and arbitration, including international and domestic arbitration

Labor disputes

Order proceedings - procedures for issuing an order for the execution of a monetary obligation and enforcement order

Representation in enforcement proceedings before a private or state bailiff

Insolvency and liquidation proceedings

Interim proceedings - preliminary or during the course of judicial proceedings

Negotiation for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes

Услуги банер

Subscription Legal Services

Subscription legal services for commercial companies, firms, and individuals.

In judicial practice and the work of law firms, a practice has been developed and established - quality and professional services. It is of particular benefit to Bulgarian and foreign citizens, saving time and money for regular legal advice and consultations. Subscription services include legal consultations and review of written contracts and documents for various types of commercial companies, sole traders, and legal entities.

Subscription service provides ongoing legal assistance related to the client's activities and the volume of work.

What We Offer as Subscription Legal Services:

Daily qualified and appropriate legal consultation on urgent issues and cases

Strictly individual approach, focused directly on the current case

Quick response within the respective working day and proposals for solving cases and legal problems

Fixed monthly subscription fee.*

Using subscription legal services provides a full guarantee for the security and protection of your business and trust in us as a reliable partner

Legal assistance in establishing secure and professional relationships with your partners

Exceptional confidentiality and confidentiality of shared personal or company information.

* The monthly fee is determined by the type of legal services, volume, and complexity of the work. We provide an individual offer for each client.

Медиация банер


What is Mediation?

According to the Mediation Act, it is a voluntary and confidential procedure for extrajudicial resolution of disputes, in which a third party - a mediator - assists the disputing parties in reaching an agreement. Its subject matter can be civil, commercial, labor, family, administrative disputes related to consumer rights, and other disputes between natural and/or legal persons, including cross-border disputes.

The procedure begins at the initiative of the parties to the dispute, and each of them can propose its resolution through mediation.

The court or other competent authority to which the dispute has been referred for resolution may also propose its resolution through this procedure.

The parties' consent to resolve a possible future dispute between them can be agreed as a clause in the contract.

The mediation procedure is carried out by one or more mediators appointed by the parties. The parties to the dispute participate in the procedure personally or through a representative. The authorization is made in writing.

Lawyers and other specialists can also participate in the mediation procedure.

We are qualified mediators who can assist in conducting this extrajudicial method of dispute resolution.

When using this procedure, we perform our duties conscientiously, following the law, good morals, procedures, and ethical rules of conduct for the mediator, following the following principles:

voluntariness and equality

neutrality and impartiality


Услуги за гръцки клиенти банер

Services for Greek Clients in Bulgaria

We provide assistance to corporate and individual clients from Greece in protecting their interests in Bulgaria.

When providing our services in Bulgaria for your case, we have a lawyer who speaks Greek. Our corporate and individual clients from Greece can rely on our team for:

representation in legal cases in Bulgaria

judicial and extrajudicial debt collection from Bulgaria

establishment of commercial companies in Bulgaria

Our corporate and individual clients from Greece can rely on our team for:

researching business partners from Bulgaria

assistance in concluding commercial contracts with Bulgarian partners

consultations for acquiring Bulgarian companies

comprehensive legal services for business activities in Bulgaria